Colloidal particle transportation by salt gradient and its applications

    1. Diffusiophoresis in one-dimensional solute gradients, Authors: Jesse T. Ault, Patrick B.  Warren, Sangwoo Shin, Howard A. Stone, Soft Matter, 2017,13, 9015-9023
    2. Low - Cost Zeta Potentiometry Using Solute Gradients, Authors: Sangwoo Shin Jesse T. Ault Jie Feng Patrick B. Warren Howard A. Stone, Advanced Materials 2017, 29, 1701516
    3. Accumulation of Colloidal Particles in Flow Junctions Induced by Fluid Flow and Diffusiophoresis, Authors: Sangwoo Shin, Jesse T. Ault, Patrick B. Warren, Howard A. Stone, PHYSICAL REVIEW X 2017, 7, 041038

Recommended with a Commentary by Zhu Zhang, Nanophotonics Universiteit Utrecht.
Read the full commentary in PDF format


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